How to Make a Vision Board that Works

Dear Artists:

If you accept the invitation to bravely go where few men have been before, its time to create a vision board for yourself.   

Here are 5 focused tips that will keep you on track. 

1st - Make sure you clearly, concisely, definitely, and distinctly know what you want for yourself.  I know that’s a lot of “ly” words, but really put some thought into what you specifically want for yourself.  

Here’s the key:  You must be excited about it? Really Super-Duper-Extra-Triple-Excited about the thing that you want. Where do you feel the excitement in your body?  Hone in on where you feel this excitement and register this feeling for future use. This excitement pushes a cosmic ripple out into the pool of what is possible and helps to get the ball going. 

BTW - This deliberate intention is not woo-woo stuff. It really is an energy that can move mountains and scientifically plausible as quantum physics catches up with what many of us already know to be true.  

2nd - If you have multiple excitements that you want to come true, narrow them down to no more than ONE for now.  Why?  Because the Universe, God and the Angels like an uncomplicated vision.  If you are mixed up, have competing visions, are full of doubt, feel confused or unclear, the universe won’t know how to best help bring your dream to the forefront. Confused minds begets more confusion. Clear minds makes for more clarity.

3rd - The most powerful of all the things I did to see my vision happen, is that I WAS NOT ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME.  So how can I be excited AND unattached at the same time?  Well, here’s the trick.  I won the book deal because I understood that if it DIDN’T  happen, then life would be 100%  okay for me. I would still have a good life, still write, still do my thing. (click here to listen to the full story on The Crazybrave Songwriter Podcast)

Remain excited about the thing that you want BUT remember IF YOU DON’T GET THE THING THAT YOU ASK FOR, that’s okay too.   I call this my love position.  

I’ll repeat myself here - this neutral position is a powerful one because it says to the universe that although I want this thing in my life, I am 100% okay if it doesn’t happen.  This tells the universe that despite what’s happening around me I can still do things TO LOVE MYSELF. I can still breathe and am fine as I am. That I am valuable as I am, perfect as I am, wonderful as I am, that my life is a good one and that I’m proud of what you’ve done up to this point in your life.   The love position.   Do both of these at the same time, and it packs a powerful universal punch. 

4th - NOW MAKE YOUR VISION BOARD. It can look any way you want it.  On your computer, like Nick does in our podcast interview together, on a corkboard like I did, or by using the traditional magazine cutout on a big board.  Doesn’t matter. Remember keep it simple, straight forward, concise and clear.  

5th - It’s not enough to make your vision board and put it away in the closet. Keep your vision board somewhere where you can look at it EVERYDAY.    I like mine on a wall in my office, so when I walk in or sit at my desk, I can, just for a moment,  feel excitement + flash a reminder to myself that it’s all gonna be okay, no matter what.  

P.S. Mood Boards are different than Vision Boards. Closely related but not the same.

Mood boards are used to bring words to life from a written or imaged space in your head. Typically used in the media /film/business industries, mood boards help bring a screenplay, a novel, an an interior design idea, or fashion idea to life. If you have a specific goal in mind, however, use a vision board instead to clarify and capture all the feelings associated with that thing you are aiming for.