Reflections and Offerings 2020

What have you learned this year?  

This is the question I've been asking myself for awhile now.  As I have ventured into my own psyche and took some real time to look up at the sky, I have come to realize that this question is circular in nature. The more I ponder, the more it seems that I return back to where I first began.  But in retrospect the question is still valid because it has made me stop to consider what's important in my life.  As a result, a few solid pieces of awareness have risen to the surface. 

Creating a successful life is about being in the moment and finding out what feels good, right now. 

I have stopped the ragged rush and hustle of trying to succeed and push my way to some sort of illusive stardom.  I choose instead to nurture the brilliant artists that I encounter by offering what I know to be true.  This is my focus for 2021; to support and encourage a creative community of musicians, songwriters and other artists in the discovery of finding their best selves. 

I trust now, more than ever, in the intelligence of the universe

I know that I am safe today.  How do I know this?  Because I trust that whatever comes my way will either be a lesson or a destiny point already designed for my highest good.  Look at what we've collectively survived so far.  This is evidence of how strong, resilient and powerful we really are.  We thought we were fragile, but are finding out that we are fierce! Let's move into 2021 knowing that we are protected, loved and covered by this universal intelligence.  I'll be right there with you. 

The power of forgiveness

Like most of us, I've had to wrestle with internal stuff, and then more stuff, and then even more stuff.  Finally, I'm committed to selecting forgiveness in my life and letting go of what doesn't work for me anymore. Why?  Because I want to feel better.  It's as simple as that. Forgiveness, I've decided,  is entirely for me.  I do acknowledge that it is also a process. A step by step rolling out of greater awareness, evaluation and repeated shedding.  I am wishing to leave behind unwanted distractions as I come to terms with some internal things that need to be left in the year of 2020.   The artistic side of me knows that it is finally time.  My prayer is to rise up with clarity in the new year so that I am free to put all my energies and focus on some new projects I'm eagerly crafting for you.  


Here are some last minute gifts to give to those cherished singers and musicians in your life...

My jazz album Timeless is available at sales price over here for a limited time only. 12 original songs, vocals by yours truly, and a list of wonderful top-notch musicians who honored me with their talent.

My book The Crazybrave Songwriter, read entirely by the author, is now on Audible.

Get that project done in 2021 — Let's partner together to create some original songs, sing some awesome melodies and work with some tremendous people. I have a few Artist Mentoring spots open (with a free 20 minute consult before you commit.) I can't wait to hear what you would like to accomplish.

There are some other goodies in my store to share with those you love during the holiday season, too.

I've created a playlist for the holidays that is guaranteed to calm and lift your spirits. Okay, it's not really a playlist, it's an entire album. If you haven't heard the A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi, then you've been seriously missing out. One of the best holiday albums of all time. Enjoy!

I'm Lisa M. Arreguin, a music & spirit coach, songwriter, author and studio owner. Through my community Living Crazybrave, I offer songwriting courses and artist mentoring. I recently wrote a book — "The Crazybrave Songwriter: A Spiritual Guide to Creative Songwriting", which you can purchase in my shop or on Amazon (and Audible, too!).

You can connect with me on Instagram @livingcrazybrave.